Saturday, November 27, 2010

Name Changes

A theme for KL team names has emerged that generally involves portmanteauing or bastardizing the name of an NHL team to include some element of the GM's name (or ethnoreligious identity). Three teams represent a slight variation on the theme: one is named after an NHL event (Winter Claassics), one after a player (Dicklas Lidstroms), and one after an AHL team (Manitoba Roos). Still, four teams have not lent themselves easily to the theme.

I've never liked Wittmen's Hitmen or J-Kru's A-Crew, but they were the best I could come up with at the time. Dipping into the pool of WHL teams past and present (thank you and dreary Saturday mornings), I've come up with something a bit better. Stefan's team will now be simply the Calgary Wittmen, and Josh's team will be the Victoria Krugars. 

Okay, you're not rolling on the floor laughing, but at least they fit the theme now. Josh's name would be funnier if he were a striking 40-year old woman in her sexual prime.

That leaves two teams remaining - the Fightin' Irish and the Carmada (a strange coincidence as my surname supposedly derives from the Spanish armada's invasion of Ireland). I don't mind Teehan's but my whole name just does not lend itself to nicknames. Never has. Bruce gave me the Carmada moniker in a hockey pool years ago and it stuck.

I welcome suggestions.


  1. Milan Micahlek;
    "Iron" Micah Keenan

  2. Carmolina Hurmicahnes

    (or Carmodina, Carmolina just sounded more effeminate)

  3. This is what I mean. It's not easy. Micahsota Wild?

  4. Colorado Andrewlanche ??
    Not as good as the Fightin' Irish though...

  5. I'm really trying to fit someone's name into the "Orlando Solar Bears" of the IHL
